Early childhood
I am recognized for having developed a leading expertise in accompanying early childhood clients. By working directly in the environments where difficulties are experienced (day care centers, family environments), I am able to highlight the important issues and better understand the needs of each family.
I know that all age categories and all stages of children's development have their share of challenges, their share of fun and happiness as well as their share of questions and concerns. Early childhood is no exception. The "no" phase, the "terrible twos", this period where tantrums are commonplace. This period where the child needs to be able to assert themselves, to dissociate themselves from the adult and where they start to forge their own identity will give the most patient parents a hard time! At this time, they start to move around better and are less docile to our instructions.
When I accompany families, it is usually enough to make minor changes in the way we intervene to generate major changes. I intervene without pretension, without judgment and in all simplicity. Parents compare themselves, read books on what is "normal" for a child of this or that age. It is human to compare one's children with those of friends, relatives, etc. Parents' knowledge of child development is much greater today than it was 20 years ago. Needless to say, this is positive and formative since it is known that information and knowledge are power. At the same time, parents have a wealth of information at their disposal through the internet and libraries. An insidious trap lurks in all this information: performance and especially performance anxiety.
- Am I adequate?
- Am I doing the right thing with my child?
- Could I do better?
- Am I responding appropriately to their emotional needs?
- Should I be giving punishments, sending my child to the corner?
- My daughter has very little appetite and is very picky about her food choices, is this normal?
- My child has no interest in playing with other children
- My child is threatening me, telling me that they don't love me anymore, should I be worried?
- My child prefers the company of adults to that of children
- Alexis is unable to take care of himself for more than 2 minutes
- Alicia is 5 years old and for the last month, she has been regressing in terms of her cleanliness
- What about screen exposure?
- My daughter is very embarrassed, she does not want to talk to other children or strangers
It is difficult to set standards before the age of 4 or 5. Each child has their own rhythm. Often, in the space of a few months, a child can suddenly grow, blossom and make up for a certain developmental delay that they may have experienced.
It is therefore important not to worry too much if our child does not have exactly the standards that are inside the parenting books. However, it is important to stay alert and listen to your parenting instincts.
When your little inner voice tells you that your child may have a particular need, when you are worried about a behavior or when you feel powerless in the face of a situation, do not hesitate to contact us at La Clinique de l'Enfant. You will benefit from a personalized service that is quickly accessible, from an innovative and human approach that will offer you concrete solutions. In most cases, follow-ups are very punctual (less than 5 consultations). It will be an investment in your well-being and that of your children.